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Academic and clinical excellence in a private practice setting

Jerry G. Blaivas, MD, FACS Dr. Blaivas is a world-renowned urological expert, surgeon, distinguished author, educator, and medical pioneer. He was one of the founders of urodynamics and established many of the current surgical procedures used to correct stress incontinence, urinary fistulas, urethral diverticulum, overactive bladder and neurogenic bladder. He is also one of the… Continue Reading

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NYC Urologist for Low Testosterone

Why is it Important to Seek Medical Advice if You Have Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

top-urologist-for-low-testerone-problems-01Reduced testosterone levels are something that most men experience as they get a little bit older. However, when testosterone levels drop dramatically or go too low it can cause serious health problems for men. If you are noticing the symptoms of low testosterone then it is a very important to speak to a doctor or urologist to make sure that your testosterone is within safe parameters for someone like you, and also to make sure that it is not the result of a more serious health issue that you will need to address.

Reduced Sex Drive

One of the first signs of low testosterone levels in a man is that their libido decreases significantly. Some men do not even experience any kind of sex drive when their testosterone levels drop too low. This may not be a problem. You may actually be OK with not experiencing a sex drive, however, it is worth paying attention as this is a sign that you may have an underlying health problem that does need to be looked at. Erectile dysfunction is an adjacent problem that you may be experiencing, either with or without reduced libido. This is another strong indicator of low testosterone in men above the age of around 40. If you are experiencing either or both of these symptoms, it is very important to seek medical help about why this could be and to get treatment.

Loss of Muscle Mass

Another sign that your testosterone levels may have been dropping too low is that you are losing lean muscle. This may or may not mean that you are also gaining fat. While it is common for most people to gain some weight as they enter middle age, if you are losing your normal muscular build and are gaining fat instead, it often a sign that your testosterone levels have depleted.

Depression and Lethargy

nyc-specialist-for-low-t-symptoms-02Another symptom associated with low testosterone is depleted motivation and depression. If you have been experiencing this as you have been getting older and are also experiencing the other symptoms associated with low testosterone, then it could be that a testosterone supplement would enable you to return to your normal frame of mind. However, there are a lot of causes of mental health problems and so it may not be the case that testosterone will be able to address all of your symptoms. It is vital to see a doctor, however, and get your hormones levels checked.

Hormonal issues are certainly something that men have to pay attention to as they age. Low testosterone can not only cause unpleasant symptoms but can be something that is linked to more serious health issues, so it is important to get it looked into and treated.

If you are concerned about things like erectile dysfunction then it is a good idea to make an appointment today with the best urologist in NYC

NYC Top Urologists Discuss Treatment of Kidney Stones

What are Kidney Stones and how are they Treated?

While most of us have heard about kidney stones in one way or the other, only a few of us truly understand what they are and what causes them. However, knowing how to identify kidney stones early and getting treatment as soon as possible is key to a smooth and fast recovery with minimal complications. In this article, we’re going to address what kidney stones are exactly, what are the symptoms, and what are the possible treatment options available.

What are Kidney Stones actually?

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are masses made of crystals that usually form in your kidneys. While they are often associated with kidneys, they can form pretty much anywhere in your urinary tract. While the symptoms are often similar, the stones themselves can have different compositions.

Kidney stones are either made from calcium, uric acid, struvite or cystine. Calcium kidney stones are the ones that occur the most often. They’re usually made of either calcium oxalate, calcium maleate or phosphate.

Kidney stones caused by uric acid occur when the urine becomes too acidic. This is often the case when people undergo chemotherapy. These are usually more common in men. Struvite stones, on the other hand, are usually more commonly found in women who are suffering from a urinary tract infection. Cystine stones are the rarest and are caused by a genetic condition called cystinuria.

What are the Symptoms of Kidney Stones?

One of the clearest signs of kidney stones is radiating pain around the groin/pelvic area, your lower back, and sides, as well as your abdomen region. In some cases, you might only experience symptoms when the stones are coming doing your ureter.

Other symptoms might include blood in your urine, nausea, vomiting, strong smelling urine and a frequent need to urinate. In some cases, kidney stones may be accompanied by strong bouts of fever as well.

What are the Treatments Available?

The treatment that will be prescribed will depend on the severity of the kidney stones. For smaller kidney stones with little to no symptoms, you may be asked to drink a lot of water in order to pass the stone(s). You will be usually asked to drink enough water for your urine to be clear or near clear. You might also be prescribed some over the counter pain relief medicine and some alpha blockers that will relax your ureter muscles and allow you to pass the stone.

For severe cases, however, you might be required to undergo a procedure referred to as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. It uses sound waves to destroy the kidney stones and allow you to pass them.

You might also have to go under percutaneous nephrolithotomy surgery to remove larger kidney stones.

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best urologist doctor in NYC.

NYC Urologist to Treat Urinary Tract Infections

Why Urinary Tract Infections Need to be Treated

urologist-for-urinary-tract-infection-nyc-01Urinary tract infections are a very common thing. They can affect both men and women, though they are more common in women. Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract through the urethra and can lead to problems with the bladder, kidneys, and other parts of the urinary system. If you suspect that you have a urinary tract infection, then you may be inclined to wait and see if it gets better by itself. Usually, bacterial infections do clear up on their own, however, it is a good idea to seek out medical assistance if you are having a problem of this nature.

What Are The Signs that You Have A UTI?

Urinary tract infections present themselves in a number of ways. The most common symptom is that you will experience a burning sensation when you need to urinate. The symptoms that accompany a urinary tract infection can also include needing to pee more frequently, while also not being able to actually pass water when you need to, and also flu-like symptoms that can come from the immune system trying to fight the bacterial infection in your urinary tract. Urinary tract infections are sometimes sexually transmitted. However, this is not always the case. It is even possible for children to have urinary tract infections, so it is not necessarily true that you have caught your urinary tract infection from a sexual encounter. You may get urinary tract infections from wearing inappropriate underwear that doesn’t allow the skin to breathe, or from environmental factors as well as from sex.

Why Do UTIs Need Treatment?

If you have the symptoms of a urinary tract infection, it can also relate to other conditions that can be more serious. You may not be worried about the impact of a urinary tract infection on your health, however, it is still best to ensure that this is the underlying problem and you do not have something else that needs treatment, such as cancer in your bladder or urethra. The symptoms of a urinary tract infection are usually something that can be unpleasant and uncomfortable. So, it is best to seek out medical assistance and get antibiotics that will get rid of the problem quickly.

If you are having the common symptoms of a urinary tract infection such as a burning sensation when you urinate, this is a good reason to contact a doctor. The best thing to do is to make an appointment with a urologist.

Make an appointment with the best urologist in the NYC area by contacting us for an appointment today.

What Are Urethral Strictures and How Are They Treated?

Urethral strictures are an uncomfortable problem for people who have had trauma or surgery on the urethral tract. Where areas of scar tissue have formed on the urethra, there can be some constriction when someone is trying to urinate. This can be extremely unpleasant and can even cause serious problems such as bladder infections. If you have a urethral stricture as a result of surgery or an injury or other trauma, then you will need to have this treated. Here, we are going to look at what your options are.

Diagnosis of Urethral Strictures

You will need to have your urethral stricture diagnosed by a urologist so that you can have a course of treatment prescribed for you that will resolve the issue. It is best to book an appointment with a urologist as soon as you notice the symptoms associated with urethral strictures after having surgery on this area or after an injury, such as difficulty peeing or a burning sensation when you pee. In some cases, it may just be inflammation following the trauma, however, if a stricture is present then you will need to have further surgery to address it.

How Are Strictures Treated?

There are different ways of treating urethral strictures, which depend on the severity and location of the stricture itself. In some cases, you may need to have some tissue grafted into the urethra or you may have to have some scar tissue removed from the urethra, and this can be done via surgery under general anesthetic. Strictures do not usually go away by themselves and so you will need some kind of intervention to make sure that the symptoms that you are experiencing as a result of having strictures in your urethra go away and you are able to experience normal urinary and erectile function.

In order to establish what kind of treatment is best for your specific case, you will need to speak to a professional urologist.

If you have a urethral stricture or are concerned that you may be experiencing the symptoms associated with it, then the best thing to do is make an appointment with a urologist right away. Get in touch with us and you can make an appointment with the best urologist in NYC and put your mind at ease that your urethral stricture will be treated quickly and professionally.

Call us today at 646.205.3039 to schedule an appointment to meet with the best NYC urologist.

What Should You Do if You Suspect You Have an Enlarged Prostate?

The prostate gland is a gland that exists only in men and is one that can cause problems, especially as men get older. An enlarged prostate is a very common condition in men over the age of 40 but is especially problematic in men over 60. In some cases, however, an enlarged prostate can be something that affects younger men too.

Here we look at what the symptoms of an enlarged prostate are and what you might need to do if you think you are experiencing these problems.

What Are the Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate?

When the prostate gland becomes enlarged, the first problem that men normally notice is issues with urination. It may become difficult to urinate, or you may find that it takes longer to urinate than usual. You may also find that you feel the need to urinate more often than you actually are able to. Men who have enlarged prostate glands tend to wake up many times in the night needing to urinate but are not necessarily able to do so normally. You may also have some other symptoms, such as lower back pain or erectile dysfunction.

How is an Enlarged Prostate Diagnosed?

An enlarged prostate or other problems with the prostate gland, including prostate cancer, are diagnosed by a trip to see a urologist. This is someone who is specialized in the area of urology, that is the urinary tract, the bladder, and the prostate, as well as things like the kidneys and penis. Different tests are done to diagnose an enlarged prostate, but this will include a prostate exam. This will involve the doctor examining the prostate to see if it is larger than it should be. You may also have to provide a urine sample so that things like urinary tract infections can be ruled out as a cause of your symptoms.

How is an Enlarged Prostate Treated?

Because there are so many different causes for an enlarged prostate, the treatment can vary significantly. If you are diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, then there could be various treatments ranging from medical to surgical interventions involved in treating you. For this reason, it is very important that you seek medical advice from a proper urologist as soon as you notice any symptoms that could be indicative of an enlarged prostate gland.

If you have concerns about your prostate, now is a great time to contact the best urologist in NYC, so give us a call today.

Call us today at 646.205.3039 to schedule an appointment to meet with the best NYC urologist.

Why Does it Burn When I Pee?

burning urinationThere are lots of things that can cause issues with urination. If you experience a burning sensation when you try to urinate, this is usually an indication of a problem with the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections are most often to blame, but there can also be things like urethral strictures that can cause the same sensation. Here we are going to look at what can cause a burning sensation when you try to pee and what you can do if you have these symptoms.

What Causes Discomfort When Urinating?

If you have noticed a burning sensation when you try to urinate or feel that you need to urinate when actually it is difficult to produce anything when you try, this is usually a sign that something is wrong in the urinary tract. In both men and women, this is most often associated with a urinary tract infection.

burning urinationThis is caused by bacteria present in the urethra, bladder, and the urinary system as a whole that would not normally be there, causing some inflammation and pain. However, this is not the only reason why you may experience these symptoms. Pain and discomfort when urinating can also be a sign of other things, such as some types of cancer, prostate issues in men, and scarring or inflammation in the urethra caused by injury, surgery, or trauma. When it is the latter, this is usually deemed to be a urethral stricture, which is something that may need to be treated with surgery.

What Should I Do About Discomfort When Urinating?

burning urinationThe first thing that you should do if you are experiencing problems when you pee is to see a doctor or a specialist urologist. If you have experienced some injury to your lower abdomen or have had some surgery that may have affected your urethral system, then it could be that you have something that will need further intervention. If you do not think that this is a likely cause, then it is most probable that you have an infection of some kind. However, since these symptoms can be related to something more serious such as certain types of cancer, it is very important to get a proper diagnosis. Urinary tract infections can be treated quite easily with antibiotics, but there could be something else at play that your doctor will need to investigate.

If you are experiencing a burning sensation when you urinate, please make an appointment with us today and speak to a urologist who will be able to identify what is going on and recommend the best course of treatment to make things more comfortable for you.
Contact an expert urologist in NYC for more information!



Call us today at 646.205.3039 to schedule an appointment to meet with the best NYC urologist.

Urologist Vs. Nephrologist

The human body is made up of several inter-related organs. These may be kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart, etc. All of them work properly with the help of each other. Any body part that is not working up to the mark affects the body functions a big deal. Therefore, it is better that you visit your health professional whenever you face issues. Here we’ll cover two types of doctors related to kidneys, Urologists, and Nephrologists.

There is a big difference between urologists and nephrologists. A Nephrologist is someone who deals with the diseases and disorders related to the kidney. They strongly focus on how the kidneys work and provide non-surgical treatments. On the other hand, urologists are pure surgeons who operate issues in the kidneys and urinary tract. They treat urinary problems, such as difficulty in holding urine, stones in the urinary system, and issues related to the male reproductive system.


Urologists and Nephrologists are specialists who have to complete normal undergrad education and medical school. Talking about urologists, they have to perform internship training before they pass the licensing examination. However, Nephrologists have to do internal medicine once they complete the Nephrology fellowship program.


Mostly, Nephrologists take initial experience from hospitals. Some of learn privately, whereas others like to work in groups, i.e., other Nephrologists. On the other hand, Urologists also go for private practice as well as work in hospitals. As you know that Urologists are surgeons, therefore, they have to work in a very intense environment. They often have to console patients who respond negatively to something or are in extreme pain.

Responsibilities Of a Nephrologist

Normally, a Nephrologist deals with all disorders and diseases related to the kidney. This includes kidney failure, tract infections, and high blood pressure. A Nephrologist usually asks the patients to go through some tests to diagnose the patients’ condition. Development of plans to cure the patient is a Nephrologists’ job, joining hands with other healthcare professionals. If the kidney of a person is not properly working or chronic disease is diagnosed, they recommend dialysis to clean the patients’ blood. Moreover, if there is a need for surgery, Nephrologists refer a urologist, but they are responsible for any care.

Responsibilities Of a Urologist

As discussed above, Urologists are responsible for disorders in all patients, and mainly in the reproductive system of men. They assess patients and diagnostic tests are ordered according to the situation. They work in collaboration with Nephrologists to make sure that the issues of the patient are solved easily. Furthermore, Urologists are also liable to deliver patient care throughout the treatment. Maintaining records is also important for Urologists to keep a track record of the patient. This will help if the person faces the same or related issue again.


The responsibilities of both of them are almost the same. Therefore, it is better to make sure that you visit a Nephrologist at regular intervals. This will ensure that your kidneys are working in proper condition throughout.


Call us today at 646.205.3039 to schedule an appointment to meet with the best NYC urologist.

Common Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

bladder cancerBladder cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. Statistically, it affects men more than women. Adults are more at risk to be affected, but it can happen at any point in life. Almost 7 out of 10 times, bladder cancer is detected in patients at an early stage. It is the point when it is highly treatable. At the same time, patients who have undergone treatment for bladder cancer successfully, need to follow up tests for years as it has a high probability to recur.

What Is Bladder Cancer?

The bladder is a hollow, membranous sac in the abdomen. Its function is to store the urine from kidneys for excretion. Bladder cancer develops when the cells of the bladder start to grow abnormally as opposed to growing and dividing in an orderly way. The wall of the bladder has many layers, and in most cases, cancer begins in the innermost layer. As time goes by, cancer spreads to other layers and becomes harder to treat.

Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

bladderSome of the common symptoms of Bladder Cancer are:

  • Blood in the urine. Most of the times it is not painful, but it is one of the most prevalent symptoms amongst patients.
  • Cancer can cause a change in urinary habits, such as frequent visits to the bathroom but small amounts of urine.
  • Bladder cancer can be the reason behind frequent UTIs or urinary tract infections.
  • Dysuria, i.e., pain, discomfort or burning while urinating. It is known that Bladder cancer is more common in men along with prostate and testicular cancer, but dysuria is more common in women.

These symptoms are not exclusive to bladder cancer and may at many times be indicators of other problems, such as infections or stones in the kidney/bladder. Most of the times, the blood in the urine is not visible and needs to be tested. If the urine changes color beyond just a slight change in shade, or it is bright red, you need to seek a medical professional immediately.

Risk Factors of Bladder Cancer

If you have no risk factors, you need to pay close attention to the changes in your urinary habits. But if you have risk factors, you should undergo screening tests. These examinations are not for detecting cancer, but their result can determine further testing, based on abnormalities. Risk factors include:

  • White Skinbladder cancer
  • Being a man
  • Old Age
  • Smoking
  • Family History
  • Exposure to Certain Chemicals
  • Another Form of Cancer
  • Chronic Bladder Inflammation

When the cancer cells form a mass, they are called a tumor or cancer. These cells can spread to other areas of the body through metastasis. It is a process in which the cancer cells destroy the local tissues, and the fluids from these tissues become a passage for the cancerous cells to spread through the lymphatic system or the bloodstream where they can stop off at other organs/tissues and destroy them.

Preventive measures and early detection is the key to defeat the disease. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best Urologist doctor in NYC.

Call us today at 646.205.3039 to schedule an appointment to meet with the best NYC urologist.

Why You Should Have Your Prostate Checked

As you all visit a health professional regularly to make sure there are no health problems, similarly, you should go through a prostate exam at regular intervals. This would ensure that you do not have the symptoms of prostate cancer. Even if you eat healthy and nutritious foods, it is vital for you to take care as prostate can attack you anytime. You should strictly follow professional advice or else you will face issues afterward.

You may expect discomfort or some signs in your prostate area which signify possible issues. However, this is not always the case. It can be quite challenging for you to diagnose prostate cancer as there are no visible signs and symptoms. Once you start experiencing them, you may at a later stage of cancer. Therefore, it is highly recommended to detect anything as soon as possible. Let’s have a look at some of the factors that ensure that you need a prostate exam:

Age Factor

prostate cancerIf you have a clear prostate history, wait until 50 years of age and then get your first prostate exam. According to a research, there are very fewer chances of prostate cancer for people under the age of 50. However, as you go past that, your chances increase. This does not mean that you wait until the age of 50. Go through regular checkups to make sure there are no issues. If you forget to check the prostate level at younger ages, check it latest at 50.

Family History

prostate cancerYou have higher chances of prostate cancer if you have a family history of cancer. In such cases, it is vital for you to get your exam done once you reach 40 years of age. If in case any of your immediate family members have prostate cancer, your chances increase by three times.

According to a statistic, it is also shown that men are much likely to suffer from this problem if their mother has had breast cancer. All this happens because of the genes. Therefore, try not to avoid anything and quickly cure it.

Urinary Problems

urinary problemsThe most common sign of prostate cancer is urinating more frequently. If you have to go to the washroom at regular intervals, consult a urologist immediately. This problem usually occurs with men over the age of 50. This can also have a greater impact on your life. You may have to go to the restroom more often, and it might be difficult for you to go to places for meeting, and leisure, etc. In this case, try to solve the problem as soon as possible. If this is not diagnosed as the early stage, it may not be treated.


prostate cancerProstate Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases and can be life-taking if not treated properly. Not everyone is a specialist, try going to a specialist urologist to get the job done properly. The first step should be to go through a prostate exam.


Call our offices today at 646-205-3039 to discuss your concerns and to learn what solutions may be available to you.

What You Need to Know About Urology and UTIs

Urology deals with the health, function, and diseases of the urinary tract while urologist is a person who identifies and treats the diseases of the urinary system. Since the urinary and reproductive systems are attached there are quite a few diseases that affect one another, and there is an entire domain of genitourinary disorders managed through urology.


The urologist diagnoses and treats urinary diseases in both men and women. The urinary system creates, stores and removes urine from the body. It consists of Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Urethra and adrenal glands. A urologist also treats the entire male reproductive system, which consists of penis, prostate, and testicles.


UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection, UTIs could be an infection anywhere in the urinary tract. These infections are much more common in adults than in children, but the UTIs in children are likely to be more serious. If we compare males and females, more women and girls are diagnosed with UTI’s than men or boys. About 40 percent women and 12 percent men have a UTI at some point in their lives.

Causes of UTI

The most common culprit that causes UTI is E. coli. It’s a type of bacteria that normally live in the bowel and around the anus. If the germs travel up the urethra to the bladder, the bacteria grow and cause infections if the bacteria travels further above it can cause a kidney infection, which can become a serious problem if not dealt with promptly. People with kidney stones and certain injuries are at a higher risk of getting UTIs.

Who Is at Risk

People with suppressed immune systems, sexually active women, women who use a diaphragm, men with an enlarged prostate, hospitalized patients or nursing-home residents, Patients using catheters, postmenopausal women and pregnant women are at increased risk for a UTI.
Urologists prescribe antibiotics for treatment both complicated and simple UTIs. The kind of antibiotic and period of treatment depend on the conditions.

Treatment of UTI

The urologists treat these diseases through surgical and non-surgical methods as per the condition. The techniques used in urology include a range of surgery, such as robotic and laser-assisted, as well as other procedures. They are qualified in open and minimally invasive surgical techniques. The typical treatment for both simple and complicated urinary tract infections is antibiotics. The kind of antibiotic and period of treatment depend on the conditions.

If Urinary Tract Infections are not treated promptly, they can cause permanent scarring of the urinary tract. In the case of recurring UTIs close monitoring is required from the urologist, as it can become a much bigger problem. UTIs can be prevented to some extent by proper cleaning of the area, drinking plenty of fluids, emptying the bladder regularly and entirely, especially after sexual intercourse.

Preventive measures and early detection is the key to defeat any disease, contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best Urologist doctor in NYC.

Call our offices today at 646-205-3039 to discuss your concerns and to learn what solutions may be available to you.

Urologic Problems in Men BPH and other urinary issues Incontinence Kidney Stones Sexuality & Hormones Prostatitis Prostate cancer treatment complications Urethral stricture Urological cancers   Continue Reading

Urologic Problems in Women Incontinence Mesh Complications Vesico-vaginal fistula Prolapse (dropped bladder) Nocturia Urological cancers Urinary infections Kidney stones Neurogenic bladder Continue Reading