Academic and clinical excellence in a private practice setting

Jerry G. Blaivas, MD, FACS Dr. Blaivas is a world-renowned urological expert, surgeon, distinguished author, educator, and medical pioneer. He was one of the founders of urodynamics and established many of the current surgical procedures used to correct stress incontinence, urinary fistulas, urethral diverticulum, overactive bladder and neurogenic bladder. He is also one of the… Continue Reading

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Urinary Incontinence in Women

Urinary incontinence in women is one of the most common complications for women having to do with the urinary system as women get older. This is not a disease specifically. Rather, it is a symptom of an underlying condition that is important for women to understand. There are many reasons women may suffer from this condition including due to physical problems, medical conditions, and everyday habits. It is not something to put off getting help for if you do suffer from it. Turning to a New York urologist can help you to overcome these types of complications.

What Causes It?

Most commonly, women experience temporary urinary incontinence. This may be due to the foods they consume (some foods work as diuretics, encouraging the bladder to work and increasing the amount of urine produced). This includes foods such as alcohol, caffeine, corn syrup, carbonated drinks, tea and coffee. In addition to this, temporary urinary incontinence can occur as a result of a urinary tract infection. These infections can irritate the bladder and cause strong sensations to urinate. Constipation can also cause this type of pressure.

For other women, the problem remains long term. For some, this is brought on by pregnancy. The hormonal changes occurring here and the increase in weight can cause stress incontinence. Childbirth can also be a concern. Delivery causes a weakening of the muscles that control the bladder and may damage the nerves that sense the need to urinate. Other causes of more long term development of urinary incontinence in women include:

  • The onset of menopause
  • Hysterectomy
  • Obstruction
  • Cancers
  • Neurological disorders

What can be done if you suffer from this condition?

This depends on the cause and the underlying complications. Bladder training is one of the options for many women. Double voiding, scheduled trips to the bathroom, and fluid management can help. Improving the muscles in the pelvic floor can help many women as well. By strengthening these muscles, it becomes possible to tighten up control and to reduce the risk. Medications are available as well. And, for those experiencing more serious forms of the condition, medical devices and surgical procedures are available.

For most women, this isn’t something they want to talk about but it is something you should seek medical help for. Come in to see one of the best urologists in New York to learn more about all of your options for treatment.

To find out what your options are and to ensure you have every treatment option available to you, call our offices at 646-205-3039 and schedule a consultation with one of the best urologists in New York City. Find out what your options are.

What Is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Have you been told you have pelvic organ prolapse?If so, you may be wondering what it means and what can be done about it. The muscles and the ligaments that support your pelvic organs can weaken for various reasons. When this happens, the organs in this location can slip out of place. This creases a bulge in the vagina. This bulge is called a prolapse. The most common reason for developing this condition is childbirth, but it can also occur for various other reasons including after a hysterectomy or after menopause. Because this condition can worsen over time, women with pelvic organ prolapse should seek out help.

What Treatment Options Exist?

When you meet with your urologist, he or she will discuss with you the types of causes and what may be causing your specific condition. Then, the treatment options for you will be dependent on the symptoms you have. In some cases, this condition does not create a lot (or any) symptoms. In this case, your doctor may recommend treatment that does not include surgery. However, the condition can worsen or may already be complex. In this case, your doctor may recommend surgery for the condition.

One of the first steps in treating this condition is with the use of medications. This is especially helpful in women experiencing the condition as a direct result of menopause. Some women will then benefit with the use of estrogens. However, there are limited benefits to this and some women may not be candidates for it.

Other options exist as well. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy using pelvic floor exercises. This can help to improve the strength of the muscles in this area. Some individuals will see the use of silicone devices called pessaries as a tool for help. And, still others, will need surgery to correct the problem. This may be done through laparoscopic methods, which reduce how invasive they can be. In addition to this, your doctor may recommend losing weight, not smoking, and treating conditions that could be the underlying problem, such as a chronic cough or constipation.

When you come in to see the best urologist in New York City, you’ll learn more about why this is happening and what can be done about it. Call our offices today to discuss the concern and to learn what solutions may be available to you.

To find out what your options are and to ensure you have every treatment option available to you, call our offices at 646-205-3039 and schedule a consultation with one of the best urologists in New York City. Find out what your options are.

What Is Renal Transplantation and What Can You Expect?

Renal transplantation or kidney transplants, are the removal of a diseased kidney from an ill patient and the replacement of it with a healthy kidney from a donor. A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure with a number of high risks. Yet, for many people who are suffering from renal failure, or kidney failure, it is a very real need and can be lifesaving.

The kidneys work to flush out chemicals and toxins from the blood stream. In short, they help to make sure your blood remains clean so your body can use it properly. Without them, the blood becomes very thick and cannot circulate properly. Over time, the kidneys may begin to fail, leading to the need for this advanced treatment option.

What Happens When the Kidneys Fail?

Most people have two kidneys. They work to remove excess fluid and waste from your body’s bloodstream. However, kidneys can develop difficulty filtering the blood properly, allowing the blood flowing through them to remain full of toxins and waste. When the kidneys are no longer working properly, you may need an external treatment for your blood, known as dialysis, to cleanse it. However, this process if very difficult on the body and over time it can fail as well.

Although your body may have two kidneys, you only need one to survive and live a healthy life as long as it is working properly. This is what makes kidney transplantation one of the most effective treatments out there. That’s because a kidney can come from a live donor.

Who Can Donate to You?

The first step in kidney transplantation is often to look at close relatives to determine if someone is a match to you. Those who are at a high level of matching are ideal because it is less likely that your body will reject the kidney once transplanted.

If there is no one that matches within your genetic family, you may be added to the national donor list and you then have to wait for one to become available to you. It is possible for kidneys to be donated to a person from a deceased donor as well.

If your kidneys are failing, it is best to work with a doctor that you know has experience in this area. Contact our offices today to be seen by one of the best urologists in New York City.

To find out what your options are and to ensure you have every treatment option available to you, call our offices at 646-205-3039 and schedule a consultation with one of the best urologists in New York City. Find out what your options are.

What Is Penile Reconstruction?

In some situations, the penis does not form properly or a serious illness or injury leaves a man with the deformation. When this occurs, it may be possible for you to obtain a reconstructive procedure. Penile reconstruction is not as common as many people believe. It is a type of treatment often associated with congenital abnormalities of either the penis itself or the urethra. In some cases, it can be used after penile cancer, penile trauma, corporal fibrosis, or short penis. It can also be done as a part of gender reassignment surgery.

Is This Procedure Right for You?

Penile reconstruction is not necessarily the right option for all people. The procedure is also very customized to meet your specific needs and areas of concern. When you meet with your doctor, you will learn what to expect from this process and whether or not penile reconstruction can work well for your needs.

Some of the ways it can help include:

  • Repairing an incomplete or botched circumcision
  • Repairing of hypospadias or epispadias
  • Repair from penile curvature or Peyronie’s disease
  • Repair of venous leakage
  • Closure of penile or scrotal skin defects
  • Removal of scar tissue
  • Removal of silicone or injected fat

There are many other conditions that may warrant this type of procedure. When you meet with your doctor, you can discuss both the potential cosmetic or functional needs. For many men suffering from these conditions, penile reconstruction can be life changing.

How to Get the Help You Need

Every penile reconstruction procedure is very different. Your doctor will work with you to discuss your options which may include the use of prosthetics or tissue from another area of your body. Your doctor can find the right treatment for the type of outcome you hope to have. In nearly all situations, the goal is to provide first an improvement in the function and health of your body. The second benefit is to focus on improving the cosmetic elements when necessary.

To find out if penile reconstruction can be a good fit for you, turn to an expert. These professionals have ample experience in guiding you through the process and can give you recommendations on the options available to you. Call the best urologist in New York City to learn more about how this type of procedure can be right for your needs. You may be impressed with the options.

To find out what your options are and to ensure you have every treatment option available to you, call our offices at 646-205-3039 and schedule a consultation with one of the best urologists in New York City.

Who Is At Risk of Bladder Cancer?

There are many factors that contribute to being considered high risk for bladder cancer. In nearly all situations, it is best for you to see a doctor if you think there is any chance that you may be suffering from any type of bladder related ailment especially cancer. Some people may be more likely to develop bladder cancer, though, especially if they have any of these risk factors.


People who smoke are at a higher risk of development cancer including bladder cancer. This is because smoking, including through cigars, cigarettes, or pipes, brings toxins into the body that may increase your risk of developing bladder cancer. These harmful chemicals have been linked to cancer development including bladder cancer.

Your Physical Makeup

The most common individuals to develop bladder cancer are those who are over the age of 40. Those who are Caucasian are at a higher risk as well. Men are more likely to develop this condition than women. However, it can develop in men and women of all ages and all races.

Chemical Exposure

Some types of cancers are brought on by exposure to chemicals. That is because the kidneys play a significant role in removing chemicals from your body’s bloodstream. When the kidneys remove chemicals like this, they send those chemicals the bladder. The more chemicals that the body is exposed to, the harder it is for the bladder to move them out of the body, therefore allowing them to build up in the bladder. This level of exposure can be dangerous.

Other Cancers

If you have had other types of cancer previously, you are at a higher risk of developing cancers in other areas of the body including the bladder. If you’ve been treated with anti-cancer drugs such as cyclophosphamide, this can increase your risk of developing bladder cancer as well. In addition, some people who have had radiation treatment are at a higher risk for developing bladder cancer especially when radiation is applied to the pelvis area.

In addition to these factors, hereditary factors can also be at a higher risk. Additionally, those taking diabetes medications, struggling with chronic bladder inflammation, and those suffering from other bladder-related illnesses are at a higher risk. If you are at risk, talk to a urologist on an ongoing basis. Call our offices to meet with the best urologist in New York City to learn more.

To find out what your options are and to ensure you have every treatment option available to you, call our offices at 646-205-3039 and schedule a consultation with one of the best urologists in New York City.

What Causes Male Infertility?

Often times, infertility is thought to be brought on by concerns in women. Yet, men can be just as infertile as some women. Most men go through most of their young life not realizing that they are infertile. The fact is, unless you are trying to conceive, you may have no idea that you are unable to do so since most men who are suffering from this condition still have a natural and healthy sexual life. But, what is behind it? Why is this happening to you?

What Is Behind Your Infertility?

To find out what is causing your infertility, visit an urologist to have more intense testing and a proper diagnosis. Keep in mind that male infertility can be brought on by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes include the following:

  • You do not produce healthy sperm. It is not uncommon for the problem to occur at this level. The growth and formation of sperm within the reproductive system must occur, but problems can develop even at puberty that can limit this possibility. If you do not have at least one properly functioning testicle, then you may be at risk. Hormones can also play a role in this.
  • The sperm cannot be carried to the semen. Once the male reproductive system creates the sperm, it then has to move into the testicles. To do this, it passes through tubes to mix with the semen. However, problems can occur in this process including malformations that make it impossible.
  • You do not produce enough sperm. Some men have a low sperm count, which means that, while they produce sperm, they do not produce a lot of it. This limits the success rate.
  • The sperm may not be mobile. In order to function properly, the sperm must be able functional and mobile. In some cases, this may not occur.

You may not have any reason to believe that you are facing infertility issues. Yet, if you have been trying to conceive and have been unsuccessful for a period of more than four to six months, it may be time to learn more about your fertility health. Call our offices and schedule a consultation with one of the best New York City urologists to learn more about if you are at risk for infertility and, in many cases, how you can get back on track.

To find out what your options are and to ensure you have every treatment option available to you, call our offices at 646-205-3039 and schedule a consultation with one of the best urologists in New York City. Find out what your options are.

What Is Pelvic Outlet Relaxation Disorders?

For some people, the structure of the body changes due to a variety of circumstances, making it difficult for the bladder to work properly. When this occurs in women, it is often called a type of pelvic outlet relaxation disorder or more commonly pelvic relaxation. If you are suffering from this you may need to seek medical support from a trusted urologist. Do not overlook the treatment options that may be available to you.

What Is Pelvic Relaxation?

Over time and as we age, the body changes. The support system that helps to hold the bladder and the uterus in place, for example, can become weak. This happens for many reasons but most commonly because of:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Smoking
  • Giving birth
  • Being older
  • Other factors

When these elements occur, it can cause changes in the structure and relaxation of the pelvic. In some cases, the uterus comes down while in other situations, the bladder can also come down. This creates a sensation of pressure and discomfort in the pelvic area. It can also cause:

  • Pain especially when the condition worsens
  • Discomfort during sexual activity
  • Bulging of the tissue located at the top of the vaginal opening

One of the most common symptoms of this condition occurs after childbirth. Childbearing, especially when a woman’s body is unable to regain strength in between pregnancies (because of the frequency of pregnancies in a short period of time), can be a big factor in the development of relaxation. In these instances, the bladder can leak, especially when a person sneezes, coughs, or laughs. This can also occur during sexual intercourse. It can be embarrassing and hard to explain. However, it can also be a problem related to your health, especially when it leads to a bladder infection, irritability, or irritation.

What You Should Do Now

If you are struggling with pelvic relaxation or you believe you could be at risk for it, realize there are treatment options that can help you. Many women, as well as men, can struggle from these types of changes within the structure of the body. To get any health, contact your urologist and schedule a consultation to learn more about your options.

When you come in to see our urologist one of the best in New York City, you’ll get the one on one care and attention you need to overcome the limitations that pelvic relaxation can often bring.


To find out what your options are and to ensure you have every treatment option available to you, call our offices at 646-205-3039 and schedule a consultation with one of the best urologists in New York City. Find out what your options are.

What Can You Expect from a Prostate Biopsy?

For many men, the thought of having a prostate exam can be worrisome. Just being told there is a concern can be worrisome. However, the procedure is not necessarily as difficult as most people believe. When a prostate biopsy becomes necessary, which means there is likely abnormal tissue present that needs to be examined more closely, your doctor will recommend a biopsy and a type. There are several ways in which tissue can be collected.

Methods of Obtaining a Prostate Biopsy

The following are the most common methods used to obtain a biopsy:

  • The doctor may pass a needle through the wall of the rectum to access the prostate exam. This method is called a transrectal biopsy. This is the most common type of prostate biopsy performed.
  • The doctor collects the tissue sample through the tip of the penis. This is called a transurethral biopsy. A camera is passed through the urethra in order to access the prostate and obtain the necessary sample.
  • A third option is passing a needle through the skin located between the scrotum and anus. This method requires an incision to be made in this area and a doctor will insert the needle here to collect the necessary sample.

In many situations, these procedures are performed at the doctor’s office, but in some cases may be done in a surgical suite. The goal is to gather the necessary tissue from the area of concern. Your doctor will discuss the method to be used with you prior to the procedure and give you specific steps to take in preparation, if any. In some cases, ultrasound images are collected with the help of an inserted camera. This can also provide more information to the doctor.

In most cases, the process takes a short amount of time and provides a very accurate opportunity to diagnose any potential condition. In most situations, doctors will collect several tissue samples, each one taking about five to ten minutes to complete.

If you believe there is a need to have a prostate biopsy or you have been requested to obtain one by your doctor, do not put off getting it. It can provide very important and very accurate information to your doctor about your health and can help you to get any treatment that is necessary.

Schedule an appointment with the best urologist in New York City at
646-205-3039 to get started.

What Can Be Done About Premature Ejaculation?

Premature EjaculationPremature ejaculation occurs quite commonly in men. In fact, as many as one in three men suffer from this condition. In most cases, it happens infrequently and, in this situation, it is not something that you need to do anything about. However, in some men, it can happen very often and that can lead to complications in sexual health, fertility, and even in relationships. What can be done about it? When should you act?

Do You Need to Seek Out Help?

Premature Ejaculation

If you find that you are always or in most situations ejaculating within a minute or so of penetration, there may be a reason to turn to your doctor. Some men are unable to hold off on ejaculation during intercourse all of the time and, this can create feelings of distress or frustration. It may even lead you to avoid sexual intimacy. If this is the case, it is best to talk to your doctor about the options to help you. Do not put off doing so since treatment options can be very effective.


What Treatment Options Are Available?

There are some treatments that may help men. Consider the following options:

  • Some doctors recommend masturbating an hour or more prior to having intercourse as a way to delay ejaculation during sex.
  • If you are feeling overwhelmed and distressed, delay intercourse for a period of time. Instead, choose other forms of sexual activity that helps to remove the frustration and emotional trauma that may be worsening your experience.
  • A treatment called a pause and squeeze technique can help some men. In this method, the penis is squeezed during intercourse. When this happens, it becomes less erect and will recover, delaying ejaculation.
  • Use topical anesthetics to help slow down the process.
  • In some men, the use of medications may help including analgesics, antidepressants and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors.
  • Counseling may help some men when a mental block is causing the problem.

Premature EjaculationIf you are suffering from this type of sexual concern, do not overlook the importance of talking to your doctor and ensuring you are not suffering from erectile dysfunction. This is a very common concern and it can be treated in most men.


To find out what your options are and to ensure you have every treatment option available to you, call our offices at 646-205-3039 and schedule a consultation with one of the best urologists in New York City. Find out what your options are.

What Are Pearly Penile Papules?

Do you have small, raised bumps on your penis? Are you wondering what is happening and, more importantly, what you need to do about them? In some situations, this may be a condition called pearly penile papules. While you may not realize it, it is not that uncommon and it does not indicate a high risk disease.

However, it is important that you visit your urologist to learn more about your condition and what treatment options may be available to you specifically.

What Are They?

Pearly penile papules are a small and benign type of growth that forms on the penis. They tend to be white in color, but can also be pink, yellow, or even a translucent color. In most cases, they are very small using only one or two millimeters in size. However, some can be larger and their shape may vary from one to the next. It is common for symptoms to vary among patients. Most often, they are found at the head of the penis or in this area and usually in a single or double row.

Why Do They Happen?

Researchers are not fully sure why some men develop this condition and others do not. They are not harmful in any way. They are also not any form of disease or any form of illness. They are not a symptom of an illness either. In some cases, they are simply considered a skin variation. Men of all races can develop them no matter where they are located or what their sexual preference is. It’s important to know they are not related to sexually transmitted disease. In addition to this, they are not contagious. You cannot infect someone with them.

What Treatment Is There?

What should you do about them? That is a question that only you can answer. For many men, there is no treatment necessary. While there is no need to have this condition treated, many men choose to talk to their doctor about treatment options. It is best not to try to pop them, freeze them, or use a wart remover on them. This can cause damage to the penis and lead to pain, infection, and much more complex outcomes. Instead, talk to your doctor about the treatment options that may be available to you for cosmetic improvement.

Call our offices today at 646-205-3039 to schedule an appointment with one of the best urologists in NYC to learn more.

Urologic Problems in Men BPH and other urinary issues Incontinence Kidney Stones Sexuality & Hormones Prostatitis Prostate cancer treatment complications Urethral stricture Urological cancers   Continue Reading

Urologic Problems in Women Incontinence Mesh Complications Vesico-vaginal fistula Prolapse (dropped bladder) Nocturia Urological cancers Urinary infections Kidney stones Neurogenic bladder Continue Reading